Nestegg Cycle © Links to BLOG Articles and Calculator:

The Calculator
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Portfolio Stress Test and Relief: A New Calculator
  We introduce and explain a newly developed crash-resistance metric: the CRASH-POINT.
  This posting includes a new CALCULATOR which shows you your portfolio's CRASH-POINTS.
  Explore defensive alternatives which can reduce your CRASH-POINTS to safer levels.
  For best results on a PHONE, use LANDSCAPE mode. Desktop or Laptop preferred.
    Target audience: Pre-retirees and Retirees.

Stretching the 4% Rule to Manage Longer Retirements
  We show that this is sub-optimal for "FI/RE", and what to do instead.
  We describe how this was explored through simple simulations of market crash and recovery.
  For the first time, an article that is unrelated to use of our site's calculator.

Part2: Save 2X Salary by Age 35? How to, and Whether to
  We investigate your enhanced options when you save much more than 2X by Age 35.
  See the section, "On-Screen Tech" which contains several hacks to Get More from the NesteggCycle calculator,
  Including: Is Your Nestegg On Track to Meet your Retirement Goal?

AARP Suggests: Just Contribute 2% More to Retirement. Should I?
  In most cases, the extra 2% is woefully insufficient. We show how to find an appropriate solution.

Save 2X Salary by Age 35? How to, and Whether to
  The salary multiple is much less helpful than a properly calculated pairing of contribution and investment yield.

The Plight of the Median 401K Retiree
  We infer the shortfalls in median contributions and propose a remedy.

Part 2: Engineer your "4% Rule" Retirement to Actually Meet your Goals

Engineer your "4% Rule" Retirement to Actually Meet your Goals

Coming Soon! April - June of 2024: More articles:

More material as developed, based on the new CRASH-POINT metric
Your "Under The Mattress" and "Don't Give a Hoot" Numbers
A Financial Fantasy: A Day of Jet-Setting for the Average Joe

And others to follow. Please check back every few weeks!